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Caribbean Festival   3 to 9 of July

Santiago de Cuba


The Caribbean Festival is a genuine cultural celebration which enhances the most authentic roots of the spirituality of the Cuban and Caribbean peoples. The principle of this festival has always been the acknowledgement of the deep similarities among the popular cultural expressions and traditions of Caribbean people, and the respect for popular creations, stressing always the worth of common men and woman as legitimate owners of the heritage thay have created this festival is also known, has contributed to the international promotion of the diverse aspects of the culture of Santiago de Cuba. This culture has been unmistakably marked by the African people and their Cuban descendants and by people from other areas of the Antilles. Some of them were brought to the island as slaves and other emigrated to the city.   

Waldo Reguiferos Gutiérrez  


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By means of Salsa you can learn litle spanish but also you can get better move to yourbody mainly girls.In Cuba is usual the expressition SANDUNGA, that means good goodmove with your body,dancing or wollking, a boy can say she has SANDUNGA, samehappens with girls,that expressition is common in cuban parties, when the people aredancing with good movement and style.Also there is the expressition She has SANDUNGAon bed,meaning that she is good having sex,there is the song of VAN VAN titleSandungera. Well, my question is DO YOU HAVE SANDUNGA -
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Ome Neeff

Leuk feest gisteravond bij Ome Neeff. Ik ben wederom naar Brabant afgereist. Het was vorige week zo gezellig dat ik het niet kon weerstaan. Ze hebben gelijk hoor t is echt verslavend hahah. En wat zijn die brabers lieve mensen. Niet alleen in Amsterdam is t gezellig hoor. In Brabant kunnen ze er ook wat van hahah.

Ik kan niet wachten tot het volgende feestje van Marlon.

Groet Conny

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Het Salsa & Zouk Beachfestival: 8 -10 juli 2011

Alles staat weer in de startblokken om er een onvergetelijk festival van te maken. Met grote namen uit binnen- en buitenland kan je weer 3 dagen komen genieten van geweldige workshops, spetterende feesten, spectaculaire shows en zelfs strand, zee en ontspanning.


Kortom; dit wil je niet missen!

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